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Graphic Design


JP Carter Consulting's mission is to help people communicate their message effectively and clearly. Whether it is a manufacturer introducing a new product, a religious organization producing a newsletter, or a non-profit organization needing a presentation, we design materials that communicate the message simply. Our slogan is,

"Making It Simple."

We do this in several ways.

Making It Simple…

for our customers

Sometimes communicating with graphic artists, printers, and designers can be confusing because of jargon. We communicate with the customer in common terminology and explain necessary concepts so that the customer can make informed decisions about the project. We see the customer as a partner in the project and work with them to develop a product that meets their needs and is within their budget. With previous experience in the printing business, we know how to minimize costs and still produce an attractive product.

for the readers

With the availability of word processing, desktop publishing software, and presentation software, materials are sometimes produced which are difficult to read, or the information is hard to find because of overuse of graphics, type styles, and color. We design materials to draw the eye to the message. Graphics and colors are used to enhance that message not overpower it. Whether the media is a brochure, directory, catalog, presentation, or web site, we design it so the user can easily find the information they are looking for.

Making It Simple does not mean plain or unattractive. Type, graphics, and color tastefully highlight the message and draw attention to it.

JP Carter Consulting looks forward to discussing your media needs — printed, web, or presentations — to help you communicate your message clearly and simply.

Copyright © 2008 JP Carter Consulting